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Martin Luther King Light Rail & Bike Trail

Get involved and write your local government. Here are some suggestions how, some examples to inspire you, and the occasional response from a representative.

The American Public Transportation Association (APTA), provides a 'how to' document for grassroots organizations to fight for public transportation. We summarize a few points for your use:
1) Address correspondence properly: Dear Mr. Councilman / Madam Councilwoman
2) State purpose of letter early and clearly
3) Be courteous and honest
4) Focus on only one issue
5) Personalize it with your own experience e.g. have asthma
6) Enclose detailed information, articles, and studies
7) Encourage feedback and questions
8) Close restating your point

Prepared Letters to Edgewood Council

Letters Sent to Edgewood Council

Edgewood Garden Club Letter