Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission Bureau for Historic Preservation Commonwealth Keystone Building, 2nd Floor 400 North Street Harrisburg, PA 17120-0093 www.phmc.state.pa.us
April 4, 2002
Pat McArdle 221 Vine Street Pittsburgh, PA 15218
Re: Edgewood Station, Pennsylvania Railroad Station, Edgewood Borough, Allegheny County, BHP Key #010700
Dear Mr. McArdle:
The Bureau has reviewed the photos we had requested to confirm the National Register eligibility of the Edgewood Station (determined eligible August 6, 1991). In our opinion, the property retains integrity and meets the Criteria for listing in the National Register.
The next step in the nomination process is the submission of a completed National Register Form to the Bureau for Historic Preservation. The National Register nomination Form and instructions are enclosed. The enclosed Specific Evaluation provides basic guidance which should be followed in preparing your nomination. The research, writing and typing of the form are responsibilities of the applicant. It is essential that the information is accurate and includes all required material discussed in the enclosed instructions. Because of the complexity of research and writing, you may wish to hire a professional consultant. (A list of consultants is available from the Bureau for Historic Preservation on request.)
Once an acceptable National Register form has been submitted to the Bureau, we will schedule the property for review by the Historic Preservation Board, a committee of professionals and citizens-at-large from across the Commonwealth. If approved, the National Register form will be sent to the National Park Service for approval and listing in the National Register. Please note that the Bureau's Priorities for National Register Processing may affect the order in which we review National Register forms and schedule them for review by the Historic Preservation Board. If you have any questions on the nomination procedure or the completion of the National Register form, please write or call the Bureau at (717) 783-8946.
Jean H. Cutler Director
Enclosure JHC/gr

PITTSBURGH HISTORY & LANDMARKS FOUNDATIONOne Station Square, Suite 4 50 Pittsburgh, PA 15219-1134 412-471-5808 * FAX 412-471-1633 * www.phlf.org
April 2, 2002
Patrick McArdle 221 Vine Street Pittsburgh, PA 15218
Dear Mr. McArdle:
Enclosed is an article I wrote about the Edgewood PA RR Station in 1996, as a contribution to the effort (note the sentence stating that residents are preparing a National Register nomination), and the most recent one just published in PHLF News.
My understanding is that Preston Thayer, in his 1993 University of PA PhD dissertation "The Railroad Designs of Frank Furness: Architecture and Corporate Imagery in the Late Nineteenth Century," determined that there was no direct evidence that this building was a Furness design. However, the building has been attributed to Furness since 1973-I enclose the page from Frank Furness: The Complete Works by George E. Thomas, Jeffery A Cohen, and Michael J. Lewis (1991; rev. ed. 1996). That work states that Furness designed some 125 stations for the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company but it is not clear from this source how many survive. Philadelphia Architecture: A Guide to the City (Philadelphia: Foundation for Architecture, 1994) states that the Gravers Lane Station (1883) in Chestnut Hill is the only one remaining.
My recommendation is that you contact Mr. Thayer and find out what he knows about the Edgewood Station as well as the number of extant stations; if you haven't yet talked with him. Professor Lewis may know his address; the University of PA Alumni Office is another possibility. I'll check the web.
Let me know if you have any questions,
Albert M. Tannler Historical Collections Director Enc.