If you want to write a letter to council encouraging them not to sign the Cooperation agreement with PAT, but the muse has left you, have no fear. You can copy one of the letters below verbatim (or you can personalize it, if so moved), print it up or copy it in an email, add your John Hancock or sig file and address, and send it to each of your representatives. We even have their contact information.
Edgewood Borough Building,
2 Race Street
Edgewood, Pa 15218
To Edgewood Council, and the Honorable Mayor,
As an Edgewood citizen I am urging you to not sign the agreement of cooperation with the Port Authority. Please do not reject the many concerns our community has in regards to the air and noise pollution that will be generated by the 500 daily bus routes coming through our great neighborhood. Please do not reject the quality of life that we all share here in the borough and please preserve it to the fullest.
The compensation package that Port Authority has offered is not worth Edgewood signing over permanent easements, street vacation rights and dismissing our action in the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission. Our communities health, well being and quality of life is worth more than linear parks, decorative walls, and a $65,000 payoff disguised as The Edgewood Ave Revitalization Planning Process.
Please council person, reestablish trust in your constituents and do not enter an agreement of cooperation with the Port Authority.

Edgewood Borough Building,
2 Race Street
Edgewood, Pa 15218
Dear Edgewood Council, and Mayor Jean Davin,
I am a resident of Edgewood and I am concerned with the proposed busway coming through our terrific neighborhood. I would ask of you, our elected representatives, to not sign the agreement of cooperation with the Port Authority.
Recently, JAMA has reported a definitive link between cancer and diesel engine generated pollutants. We are a small family oriented community, and we can not allow this polluting rapid transit system with its 500 daily bus routes coming though our neighborhood. Anyone who lives in Edgewood knows that our citizens live, work, and play close to the proposed busway. Not only is this true, but we also have in a 100 yard radius of the polluting busway, our Primary School, our School for the Deaf, our library, our community center and a daycare in the 1st Presbyterian Church. Daily we educate and care for hundreds of children, and their health cannot be compromised. According to the EPA, children are more susceptible to air pollution because of their developing lungs.
Council person, please listen to your constituents and do not enter an agreement of cooperation with the Port Authority.

Edgewood Borough Building
2 Race Street
Edgewood, Pa 15218
Dear Edgewood Council, and Mayor Jean Davin,
As a Edgewood citizen I am writing you today about the busway coming through our quaint neighborhood. I am asking you as our elected council person to not sign the agreement of cooperation with the Port Authority. I have outlines a few of the many reasons our citizens have against the bus highway and listed them below:
Diesel exhaust contains 41 chemicals that are toxic air contaminants. The health impacts of air toxins vary from pollutant to pollutant, but they are all serious, including cancer risk, immune system disorders, and reproductive problems. It is estimated that diesel causes 70 percent of all airborne cancer risk. - State of California
The soot from one modern diesel bus (2000 model) is equivalent to that produced by 279 cars. -Union of Concerned Scientists
PAT plans on retiring all of its 5 CNG (compressed natural gas) buses by the ends of next year with no plan to purchase any other clean fuel type bus. -Port Authority
These are only a few of the reasons we are asking you to not sign the agreement of cooperation with the Port Authority. Please let your actions speak for the
community. Don't sign.